Our Services

Are Life Saving

Call Processing

Jeffcom answers 9-1-1 and non-emergency phone calls for all of Jefferson County (not including Westminster) and Clear Creek County. 

Law Dispatch

We provide dispatch services for 14 law enforcement agencies across 10 primary radio talk groups.

Fire and EMS Dispatch

Jeffcom dispatches for 16 fire and emergency medical service agencies.

In 2023 we dispatched 167,193 law enforcement and 62,060 fire calls for service.

Information Services

Jeffcom’s Information Services team is one of the largest 9-1-1-dedicated teams in the country. We are sought after, by public and private sector representatives, due to our efforts in research and development.


The Jeffcom Training department regularly hosts training and certification classes which are made available to neighboring centers and industry partners. 

Incident Dispatch Team

The Jeffcom Incident Dispatch Team (IDT) is a group of specially trained Emergency Communications Specialists who respond into the field to establish communications for critical incidents.

The IDT provides incident commanders with cutting-edge technology and intelligence where it matters most: on the front lines.